Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday is almost here

So I've been in phase 3 for 12 days Feb 2nd I'll be able to be in phase 4 I can't wait to eat regular foods again!! Oan: I've still been losing weight. I'm not 172 pounds!! But I haven't worn had a corset in 22 days T_T finally going to have one on Thursday so update pics coming by the weekend! But here's what my body looks like before waist training, during and after! 


  1. good for u! i just found your page or link i should say o Google while looking up "can i do squats or crunches on HCG diet" i haven't struggled with weight but i would like to go back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. my baby is almost 17 months and i have dropped and gained. i came across the HCG diet from my husband co worker and gonna try it tomorrow! hope it works ofr me like it has for u! Best of luck in your continued journey!

  2. Sorry for the late reply idk why I have trouble responding on here...but for motivation and other tips check out my Instagram fitness page @bff_fitness an to answer your question @candicemclean you can do any exercise you want on the diet. I did lots of cardio while on my hcg. Just to speed up the process (I'm a little impatient) lol

  3. Trust me it will work! Just have to be dedicated and follow the protocol when getting out of phase 2 or you WILL gain the weight back! It's not a diet it's a lifestyle! I've been off the diet for about 3 1/2 weeks now and only gained 1lb and I'm working on losing 10-15 more the regular way! thanks for your encouragement and good luck on your journey as well! Be strong bc the struggle is real!
